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Tech Tools Checklist Web

Technology integration uses tools to help community-builders organize content. They can schedule, plan, create content, and manage daily tasks. They also handle weekly and monthly tasks inside your community.

As a community strategist, it is essential to align your community goals with your business goals. This alignment helps cultivate revenue and build a thriving community. 

This sounds great unless you are one person trying to be the community-building team. You can’t do everything, like marketing, sales, lead-generation, and creating content, by yourself.

Tech tools help you as a community host. They help create a plan for your community. This plan lets you find calm and cultivate the community you are excited to lead.

Tech Integration helps community hosts in a few ways:

It helps create confidence in your process.

Give time back into your day and do more things you enjoy

Streamline your community-building efforts

Build effective systems for your team (if you don’t have one yet — you will!

Learning new technology can be challenging and takes time. It requires effort. However, using tech tools to create a workflow for yourself will give you more time in the long run.

The key to tech tools is to focus only on what you’ll need for the tasks. You’ll need a clear understanding of your community-building roadmap, launch plan, Onboarding plan, and marketing plan to do that. Check out this tech tools checklist!

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