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A Community Strategist who helps entrepreneurs find calm building

Find calm creating a community
you're passionate about with Nitika Chopra

In this episode of the Find Calm Here Podcast, Nitika Chopra, creator of Chronicon, is creating a community she’s passionate about. She runs a media and events company dedicated to elevating the lives of those with a chronic illness and shares her experience in launching and growing a Mighty Network.

Since starting her entrepreneurial journey, Nitika has hosted her own TV talk show, over 40 in-person events, with hundreds of guests in attendance –  and has created dynamic partnerships with over 150 brands in the wellness space. 

After 10 years in event creation, Nitika launched Chronicon in the fall of 2019, focusing on those with chronic illnesses. The event sold out; she had over 2,000 Livestream viewers and high-level brand sponsors and has been growing ever since. 

That brought her to build a Mighty Network to unite her community in an online safe haven designed to create real support for members. The Chronicon Community connects chronically ill folks for inspiration, advocacy, and empowerment from across the globe to support each other so they can connect to a tribe that knows how they feel. 

In this episode, we discuss:

5:03 The visual elements of the Mighty Networks and why Nitika selected the platform that would work with her business model and could also be customized for her brand. 

10:54 Nitika discusses the challenges of having a 50k social media following and converting them to new paid members. 

13:42 Navigating the health space to identify as either a non-profit or private practice, and the differences in creating a safe haven online space for chronic illness that is valuable and that members will be willing to pay for and creating an identity for the community and the importance in investing.  

17:20 Managing a community as a solo entrepreneur, identifying when it’s time to hire help for a Mighty Network by deciding what feels right for the network based on current growth and time commitment. 

18:19 Creating a collective leadership program with an application for the partnership to support Nitika in building and growing her membership. Being passionate about community and dedicated to the craft, it’s a job. 

25:20 Tools for planning content and setting up a Mighty Network, Asana offers a calendar interface with the ability to add notes and organize tasks and content. 

35:27 What Nitika wishes the Mighty Network offered and how she uses the current features

NEW: Book Review

From Peace to Purpose: A book review of Purpose by Gina Bianchini

Gina Bianchini is the CEO, founder of Mighty Network, and creator of Community Design™, a proven strategy framework for understanding and growing communities online and in the real world. Over 8,000 people have taken her Community Design™ Masterclass, where they learn how to build a community so valuable you can charge for it and so well-designed it essentially runs itself.

From Creator to Community builder...

Stop creating content for free on social media channels that demand more and more content. Your audience wants to connect with you and each other; let’s make that possible and bring you the income you deserve. You may have a community concept but struggle on where to launch, how to get started, or what do do. Let me help!

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