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There’s no one else like you.

So many of the clients I’ve worked with in the past have spent so much time comparing themselves to others, and as many new business owners will admit, they spend a lot of time in comparison mode. 

What is true for me is that there’s no one doing what I’m doing online because no one else is ME. One of my favorite quotes is “Be yourself – everyone else is already taken” by Oscar Wilde. If you position your business based on your unique strengths, values, and skills and hone in on your ideal client, there are no competitors in your “space.” 

So what does this look like? 

I can provide you with my business, strengths, values, and preferred skills and share my ideal clients and the messaging that has worked, but what you want is a solution. 

Although I can’t give you a direct answer, since I don’t know you… yet, let me give you some reasons why you will benefit from knowing your strengths, values, and preferred skills – if you aren’t sure of the answers. 

If you already know these, you are ahead of the game. Most new business owners I meet express confusion over not knowing how to show up online, pitch, market, and tell others what they do. 

Knowing yourself is the first step.

You might have heard of career assessments, but you might not have heard of YouMap®, a program created by Kristin Sherry that helps coaches work with individuals who want to learn more about themselves and how they can leverage that understanding to improve their careers, relationships, and lifestyle. Kristin Sherry is a bestselling author and career expert.  

In 2022 I became a certified YouMap® Coach after learning about the assessment process, working with a coach, and implementing what I learned about myself into my own business.

The program includes 4 pillars: strengths, values, preferred skills, and interests. The key to the program is working with a coach to help you review the assessment, align them with the current struggles and challenges, and set a plan of action!  

Pillar 1: Strengths 

How you prioritize: 

  • Building relationships  

  • Influencing Others 

  • Getting Results 

  • Thinking 


Pillar 2: Values  

Based on what’s most important to you. 

Why you prioritize: (examples below) 

  • Your Interests 

  • Your Experiences 

  • Your Ethics 

  • Your Boundaries 

Pillar 3: Skills explain what we like doing 

What you prioritize: (examples below) 

  • What you are best “known” for.  

  • What you are best at doing.  

  • What do you enjoy the most?   

  • What are you motivated to do? 


Pillar 4: Personality explains our interests 

Which you are: (examples below) 

  • A creator 

  • A Doer 

  • A Thinker 

  • A Persuader 


If you’ve taken assessments before, you might be saying — so what’s new about YouMap® compared to other programs? 

I’m not sure about all the “others” out there as I don’t “compare” this to that… but what I’ll share is that my experience with the coach I worked with and the team of coaches with YouMap®, including the creator, Kristen Sherry, are dedicated to your success. They want everyone to find work that lights them up, brings them joy, and allows them to find a bit of calm. Let’s chat if you are interested in learning more about your strengths, discovering your values, or aligning your preferred skills with your purpose. 

Find calm building a business you love

Deb’s NEW coaching program combines her experience with the YouMap® assessments to provide a container for exploring ideas, alignment with values, and a Purpose Statement with Deb’s guidance and over 20 years of writing experience.  

Deb is a certified YouMap® Business Coach who helps business owners uniquely launch an online business by aligning their strengths, values, and skills.  

Deb has worked with over 50 entrepreneurs and has learned that they all face the same challenge – How to show up differently online. 

                    Let's Chat!

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