Find Calm Here

Where community strategy
meets intentionality.
Online Community Strategy and Marketing
for Startups, Nonprofits, and Associations
Key Takeaways from the Mini-Wellness Retreat
As an online community leader, juggling personal and professional tasks has been challenging over the past two years.
Many leaders feel overwhelmed with building, launching, and growing. I’m one of them.
In this episode of the Community Strategy Podcast, you’ll hear the recording of a wellness mini-retreat with community leaders and fellow Find Calm Here Community members who share tips, success stories, challenges, and how to avoid burnout and overwhelm as community professionals.
The Community Strategy Podcast Shownotes
Carolyn Zick of Bad Axe Enterprises will help you find calm when marketing your online community. She’ll give tips and strategies to avoid burnout and teach you to grow your online business, scale your community, and inspire others.
Carolyn is a multi-passionate business owner and marketing nerd. She believes you can be intentional and impactful online while respecting your mental health. Find her in her online communities: Bad Axe Biz Club and AMIDST Creatives of the Midwest.
Notes from this session:
Ask / Do Ideal Member Interview
Know who your ideal members are and who you are bringing together.
Let go of preconceived notions; who is going to engage?
Ask people, interview surveys, and know the transformation.
The people in your current network know your people.
The community will only bring in your ideal members if the right people are there.
Curated and customized content
Members come for the content but stay for the community.
Reach out to members as soon as they join the community.
Connect them with other members and develop what they need as they ask for it.
Messaging, Sharing on social media
Be intentional about where you are spending your time.
Blogs, YouTube – longer “shelf life”
Connecting with your audience
DoTERRA Wellness Advocate Leah Light shares specific oils to assist remote work.
Leah is a Natural Solutions Enthusiast who loves sharing the benefits of a natural lifestyle with others. Leah experienced health obstacles from a young age and always felt there had to be a way to address the root of the problem rather than only treating the symptoms.
There are many approaches to and facets of healing. Essential oils are one of the tools you can add to your wellness toolbox!
Top tips for supporting remote work while using essential oils
Aromatic Uses of Essential Oils – Breathe in, Diffuser in air
Peppermint and Wild Orange can “pep” you up!
You can use some oils to calm down – lavender to ground, relax and help with skin.
Balance can be used to center, grind, helpful to refocus
Topically Uses of Essential Oils – Use a carrier oil
Using for pain or specific focus areas
Deep Blue comes in a bottle and also in travel packs.
Co-Impact Sourcing
Internal uses of essential oils
Reading the label to make sure the oils can be consumed
Lemon, Lime, and other flavors make it easier to drink.
Get this free workbook now!
Creator to Community Builder offers time-saving tips for struggling entrepreneurs to establish and scale online communities, enhancing business growth and client connections. This companion workbook provides a quick overview of the book with actionable steps to help you build an online community and business faster and with less stress so you can find calm.
Mindful Marketing with Carolyn Zick
I am going to pivot this over to Carolyn. She is going to share with us mindful marketing for your community. We’re going to talk a little bit about her amazing experience leading her own community, which I’m a member of. Today is really about how you share your message mindfully.
So, Carolyn, I’ll let you tell me the rest.
Intro. I am a social marketing nerd. I started my company’s evil acts enterprises in 2015. I love business owners. I love communities. That is where my heart is. I grew up with two parents who owned their businesses. So, that was the only logical path forward. Right? I love the flexibility, bringing people together, and all that stuff; Bad Ex Enterprise is a social marketing company. And my focus is organic growth.
That is mindful. Like mental health, positive social media use because we know how detrimental social media and the internet can be to how our brains function on a functional level, right? Not even to talk about emotional damage and everything else. So, with social marketing and your community, you want your community, no matter what, to be a healthy space, right?
You want people to go there, whether you’re for wellness, whether you’re focused on something else, or whatever. You want them to go to your community to be supported in some way, and you want them to go there with healthy behaviors. You don’t wish to necessarily. I’m making vast assumptions about everybody here, but you probably don’t want the angry basement dwellers. These keyboard warriors are online all day, very upset about everything.
That’s not healthy in any community, right? Even for them, they should be doing other things to support their mental health. How do you mindfully send the message and spread the word about your community in a way that’s still really supportive of your mental health and your potential members?
You don’t want to encourage people to be constantly plugged in. So super brief, obviously. I could talk about this forever because I love communities. These are the three things that you should be doing to develop a really mindful strategy, whether it’s for your community or for your brand in general, and they are going to be fairly universal.
- So first, Deb touched on this a little bit. You have to know who your members are. You have to know who your ideal client is and do your homework before you start doing any community-building planning for marketing. Any of that, you have to be honest with yourself.
Sometimes, being realistic about who you’re working with is a little bit of a soul journey. So, I’ve worked with many different clients across many other industries for marketing strategy. I’ve had several instances where a client is wholly convinced that they will work with this type of person.
When, in actuality, their products and services are aligned with somebody very different, and they don’t want to admit that or make changes, right? They’re like, Nope, this is how I want to talk about my brand. This is what I want to do. I’m like, then you will consistently attract the wrong person. So, it’s harder for some people to let go of preconceived notions about who needs them and who needs their community.
As Deb will tell you, Who will engage and who will go through it is the best way to do that. She’s very skilled at doing this to ask people you have to do homework interviews, potential clients, interview potential members and know what the transformation is that your community will offer.
Think backward about it, okay? Who would want to undergo that transformation or engage in that sort of growth? Find those types of people and ask them, and if you keep getting a negative response or if they’re like, oh yeah, that I wouldn’t really need that, adjust the sample, adjust the audience, and keep going until you find your ideal client.
Before you do any marketing work, you have to know the people because that’s what the community is native to. We don’t care about the content. It’s about the people, and if the right people aren’t there, it’s going to be no fun and a problem. So, the second tip I have for you today for mindful marketing of your community is to plan content that provides value, like such a marketing buzz phrase.
SoNot provides value, and this is where it gets very magical for your community. That model—that behavior that you want within your community. So we’ll use my community as kind of a case for this. I’m a social media marketing nerd. Most of my social media presence concerns different marketing strategies and tactics.
I’m always asking questions, asking people to weigh in, sending me messages, and telling me a story about that specific topic that I’m sharing. When people get into my community, which is called Bax Axe Biz Club, they, it’s not optional. They have to do that to participate.
They’ve already been primed to know, like, Hey, Carolyn’s going to listen. If she asks for feedback about something or wants to hear her biggest struggle, she will weigh in right away. One of the first things you do when you join my community is you’re asked what your current biggest marketing struggle is.
And when you answer that, I’m immediately sharing a link to one of my YouTube videos or a resource I know about. I’m replying to that. I want the first interaction that people have within the community to be a reward for the behavior. I’ve already modeled on social media, right? Replying to me, telling me what’s going on in their lives, and being vulnerable, we’ve modeled on social media as soon as they’re in the community, and they interact with the behavior.
I want them to get a reward and have a solution right away. It doesn’t always work, but sometimes, most of the time, it does, and they then know, right? Okay. So they’ve been commenting and replying. Maybe we’ve had a few messages. I’m like, Hey, you should join the business club. It’s free. It’s neat. And there are a lot of resources for you there.
They join. They have a struggle that they share. They immediately get that little benefit. Right, right away. The third piece, if you’re figuring out, you know, I have my content figured out. I know who my ideal client is. I know what’s going to happen within the community. So, what’s that external marketing piece?
Where should I show up? When your ideal client is defined, it’s easier to determine where they are online and where to show up. I suggest picking platforms that have a longer lifespan for your content. Community is not something that happens in a day or two days.
It takes a very long time to build. If you commit to building a community, you commit to the long haul. Right? So, make a few Facebook posts about it and a few LinkedIn posts. The lifespan of a social media post is so small. It’s like a day or two. Suppose you make a YouTube video that is search engine optimized because YouTube is owned by Google, with a vibrant title, keyword, and heavy description. In that case, it solves a problem you will solve even more profoundly in your community.
Your content will constantly attract those people over a much longer lifespan. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t or don’t need an Instagram or Facebook presence. Just be aware and very intentional about where you’re putting your most time, effort, and resources.
Blogs, YouTube, and even Pinterest because it is a search engine for that content. The three tips I have are a lot more life than just posting on Instagram or tweeting—a good foundation for being intentional with your community marketing.
For social media marketing, you often hear it’s all about creating content that could be like a full-time job unless you have a VA that does all that or a social media marketer that does that for you. Gary V says post a hundred times a day, or if you hear other people that their thing is if you don’t have anything valuable to say, don’t say anything, what do you think from a social media marketing perspective? Do we like where we are, and what should we be doing?
- So, always think analytically, right?
A social media platform wants people in it long and wants people to stay on it longer. That’s unhealthy. It’s not good for your brain. It’s not good for your people’s brains. How can you use it to support you and your end user? For me and most of my clients, the strategy that I suggest is to figure out a frequency that you can be consistent with.
So consistently doesn’t mean constant, consistent means. I can have one excellent post per week that’s rich with information. That’s just a fantastic post. I’m going to do it. If you’re like, I could do it daily. That cadence feels good to me. Go for it, but keep it in mind.
It’s for. The long haul and more and more I’m seeing, you know, Instagram, Facebook, and even with the rise of TikTok, video is the content that gets the most love and is pushed out the most. So, I’m like, if I’m making videos, I’m putting them on YouTube because the most powerful search engine backs it. So, starting this year’s beginning, I’ve focused on that as a platform for my business.
It’s incredible the level of attraction I’ve had for, you know, it’s not massive. I’m just starting, but how do videos perform? Well, weeks after they’re posted, the reach that they get is like two hours of performance versus an Instagram post—two hours versus hundreds of hours of performance.
To me, you know, my time is my investment. Sure, I could hire people to create content for me, but I have to interact with that content. No one is me. No one knows my business as well as I do. So I’m still going to have to go in. If I have a VA posting for me every single day, I’m still going to have to check in every day.
No, thank you. Know what you want and the amount of time you want to spend on social media, like physically spending on it. Even if you schedule posts in advance, you’d need to see if there was a comment check-in on those things. Know how long you want to spend. Be really real with it. One thing I do is I grid out 24 boxes on a piece of paper, and then I color in, okay, you know, representing the 24 hours in a day.
I need to spend eight hours sleeping, two to three hours eating, and this long to hang out with my kids and knit. And then you work in and say, okay, my working hours are these. How much of that time do I want to spend with clients? How much do I want to spend on social media?
I view it more from the human perspective. Sure, posting it a hundred times a day probably would result in a lot of followers, but those followers are going to demand constant attention from you, and that’s not what you want. So, I hope that answers the question.
Thank you so much, Carolyn. What excellent tips! There are so many people creating content just for creating content’s sake instead of why content is essential, the purpose of it, and the thought behind it
So a lot of people don’t take that time.
You end up working against yourself, too. Yeah. When you create content just to create content, you’re wasting your own time and people’s time. They won’t view you as important or high-value because you’re just putting garbage out whole.
But yeah, I’ll end on that.
Essential Oils for Remote Workers with Leah Light
Leah lives near me in Pennsylvania. She has this unique ability to bring calm into a physical and virtual space, and she’s just a joy to be friends with. She teaches me so much about essential oils and being kinder to myself. So, I’ll let you introduce yourself, Leah.
Thank you, Deb. You know, I’m always so admiring of how you have an idea, actually make it happen, and can really bring people together.
And Carolyn, that was helpful information. So thank you
For sharing that. Oh, one more thing I wanted to say, Leah, you had told me. Do you remember what you said to me in 2020? No. You told me in 2020, Deb, when I was talking to you about what I’m going to do with Find Calm here, you said, Deb, I envision you being on a stage and speaking to people.
And I’m like, no, and you are, and guess what? I was just in Orlando, speaking on a stage about the community of people. That is cool. Thank you for thinking that that was possible for me two years ago
Of course. Yeah. So, a little bit about me. My name is Leah Light, and I got into a more natural approach to life because of the different experiences and problems I have had since I was a child.
I didn’t want to just keep putting bandaids on symptoms. I wanted to really get to the root cause of what was happening and heal myself. And I believed that that was possible. Essential oils are like one tool in your tool belt that you can use for different things. And I’m going to jump right in because there’s a lot that I could cover.
I also picked some of the top things to support remote work, which Deb has asked me to discuss today. Well, first, is anybody here familiar with essential oils? Could you raise your hand a few times? Okay, that helps me gauge. And if you’re not on video and want to put it in the chat, you’re welcome to say that you’ve never used essential oils, or if you use them every day, or if many people are somewhere in between.
So, there are three ways to use essential oils. The first is aromatic, which is the most common. And when you’re using an oil aromatically, what’s happening is it’s going into your limbic system, which is like our emotional center. So, if you have essential oils, you can take a drop in your hand, rub it together, and breathe it in.
And that’s called the human diffuser. And I just put a drop of wild orange in my hands, and it’s like walking through an orange Grove field. It smells amazing. Scientifically, it’s cool because what happens when we breathe in citrus oil is right away. You can see on a brain scan that our serotonin levels rise, and serotonin is like our feel-good.
One of our feel-good hormones. So, that’s good to keep us motivated throughout the day to use a citrus oil like that. And then let me see what else I made some notes from myself. Other ways that you can use oils. Aromatically, they are in an actual diffuser where you just put a few drops of essential oil, then water, and you can put a mist on.
And that’s great for setting your mood for the day. Sometimes, we all have things that we don’t want to do. It might be the more mundane thing. You might want something to perk you up wild. Orange and peppermint are excellent for that because peppermint is refreshing and gets the oxygen flowing, and a drop of each of those in your hands or the diffuser is significant.
Especially if you’re one of those people who likes or needs afternoon coffee but is trying to cut back, that’s a good substitute.
And then, of course, aromatically, you can also use things to calm yourself down. Sometimes, things happen throughout our day that make you feel your nervous system start to rise. Your heart rate may increase, or you start getting warm and sweaty, or something like that. So lavender is all things calming. Everybody has heard of lavender, and it is a very, uh, Calming plant that we can access for our mind and skin. I just got sunburnt yesterday, and I beat red.
So I lathered myself up with some lavender, and I was amazed when I woke up this morning. I’m still surprised every time because I’ve used essential oils for eight years, but they really, really work. You have to open up the bottle and use it. The other one I wanted to talk about with calming is balance because balance is great for grounding.
It’s a blend and. Deb likes balance a lot. Right?
It’s one of my favorites, and I have to get some more because I’m out. Okay.
But yeah. Balance is a blend you can use in the morning, noon, and night to center yourself. It is also known as the grounding blend. So whenever you need to return to the drawing board, your day has gotten thrown out of whack.
When you got to your office in the morning, you had your priorities, and then things just came up, and you had to come back to the center and refocus. That’s a great one for that. Does anybody have questions or anything that they’d like to add? Okay. The second way to use essential oils is topically, and whenever you’re using them topically, you can mix them with what’s called carrier oil, and we call this diluting.
And I always thought that whenever you dilute something, it makes it less intense. But when we’re diluting an essential oil, it’s called carrier oil. My favorite is fractionated coconut oil because it’s very, like, non-greasy; you could use olive oil if that’s what you have, but then you’re going to smell like olive oil, and it leaves more of a film, like a greasy film.
The fractionated coconut oil does not have a sense. It absorbs nicely into your skin, and it helps you get more bang for your buck because you can stretch the essential oil further.
With topical use, you want to use that more whenever you have something you’re really trying to work on, or what am I like a focused concern?
If your shoulder hurts, you’re not really going to think you want to breathe in deep blue, but you want to rub it where it hurts, basically. So, speaking of this, the deep blue rub is the product that got me into doTERRA essential oils. This absolutely honestly changed my life because I’ve had chronic pain and fatigue ever since I was a child.
It would be so bad, especially in my neck, that I couldn’t turn my head. I’d have to turn my whole body and call off work because I couldn’t even support the weight of my head. Using deep blue rub consistently is such a game-changer for me because, as I said earlier, I actually get to the root of the problem instead of just sticking a bandaid on it. Deep blue has frankincense in it, which helps to treat inflammation.
I also love frankincense because of the co-impact sourcing story. DoTERRA is always mindful of what oils it provides and where it sources them. Sustainability is the most important thing. So sometimes people ask me, Leah, why doesn’t doTERRA have Rosewood essential oil?
I love Rosewood or Paula Santo, which is a prevalent one that I’m asked about, too. And it’s because it’s not sustainable for the planet. And that’s what co-impact sourcing is. It means partially, but it’s also whenever I purchase a bottle of essential oil that it benefits me, and it also positively impacts the people who grew the plants, harvested them, and distilled them.
doTERRA takes care of the growers. I really want to discuss this further, but I don’t have time. But if you go to YouTube and look up doTERRA co-impact sourcing, a bunch of videos will pop up where you can learn about the different oils. FrankenSense is one of my favorite stories about that.
And lastly, there are three minutes left for internal use. This is only true with doTERRA oils because essential oils are an unregulated market. So, anybody could start their own essential oil business. They buy essential oil from a broker and can label it however they want.
They could label it and say it’s a hundred percent pure, but that doesn’t mean it is because they don’t even know what they’re buying. Often, the brokers will put synthetics in to stretch the oil further and make more money. So, with doTERRA, you can use their oils internally, but not every single oil.
You can tell because this is a bottle of lemon, which I put in my water pretty much every day. Right on the bottle, it has the supplement fax label. And that’s how you know if it’s recommended for internal use or not. Citrus oils are really great, like I said earlier, for our mood but also as a gentle detox.
That’s why I like to drink it in my water. No matter how many toxic-free products we have in our home, like cleaning products and things like that, even if we’ve switched all that over, we’re constantly breathing in toxins from car fumes and everything like that. So, daily, keeping up with the gentle detox with citrus oils is excellent.
And then also with that water is the most important thing. Every time I meet with somebody, and we go over their health concerns, they know that they need to drink more water, and it’s a lot easier when it tastes fantastic. By putting some essential
So feel free to reach out to me to discuss your health goals.
I would happily chat with you one-on-one about that and develop a personalized wellness plan. Thank you all. I wish I could stay with you, but I appreciate being here for great tips! Essential oils have been a game-changer for me, and they annoyed some of my coworkers when I was in the office space, but I have my explicit, calm right here today.
I had the diffuser going earlier. So yes, I always recommend it, and Leah is very kind with her time. If you want to chat about essential oils, she’s always happy to talk. So, definitely reach out to her. I just put her contact information in the notes as well. So, thanks, Leah.
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