CSP Episode 100: Awakening to Consciousness
In the final episode of the Community Strategy Podcast, Host Deb Schell invites Find Calm Here Founding Member Carol Chapman and her business partner, Lynnda Pollio, to share their collaborative project, a 7-week series called “WisdomKeeping.”
Carol Chapman is a Heart-Centered Practitioner who was called to leave her corporate career and spend time doing meaningful work. She co-founded several businesses focused on heart-centered, conscious business practices. This led her to launch the Hearts Rise Up Podcast. Carol is a certified coach, author, writer, and speaker. She’s traveled extensively, lived abroad, and resides in Atlanta, Georgia.
Lynnda Pollio is a Consciousness Doula and author of the award-winning, best-selling visionary novel Trusting the Currents. Lynnda has always been deeply committed to elevating human consciousness. As a Consciousness Doula, she helps people and businesses understand consciousness and connect to energetic frequencies that expand self-awareness for personal and global transformation. Lynnda recently moved from New York City to Sedona, Arizona.
Lynnda and Carol are currently collaborating on a 7-week series called “WisdomKeeping” — to help others explore what it means to become “awake,” discover their innate “Inner Resonance Signature,” and meet the WisdomKeeper they genuinely are.
CSP Episode 100: Awakening to
Consciousness Show Notes
<h4>CSP Episode 100: Awakening to Consciousness</h4><h4>4:23 Carol shares her story of developing the wisdom keeper within herself, a term she recently started implementing when she met Lynnda. Her journey to an awakening started over 20 years ago when she decided to exit the corporate world. </h4><h4>9:12 Lynnda tells the story of her early Life and how she has transformed her experience over the years. She lived in New York and stumbled into advertising, with a focus on developing new business for an agency. She had the skills and resources, so she quickly rose. She learned very quickly that she wasn’t living her ideal Life. </h4><h4>14:42 As Lynnda transitioned to personal development, she became a thought leader and started working with companies that wanted to do good in the world. She became a Chief Consciousness Officer for a company when a female executive resonated with the message of Lynnda’s mission. </h4><h4>18:01 Life again took a turn for Lynnda when she became a full-time caregiver for her mother. At the time, she started to receive messages from a black woman that became part of the stories she told in the book <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Trusting-Currents-Lynnda-Pollio/dp/0989195309" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Trusting the Currents</a>. Soon after, she met Carol and developed relationships over the next few years that led to the collaboration. </h4><h4>20:02 Lynnda shares a bit about the 7-week series called “WisdomKeeping” -- to help others explore what it means to become “awake,” discover their innate “Inner Resonance Signature,” and meet the WisdomKeeper they genuinely are.</h4><h4>24:17 Deb asks Carol and Lynnda to share what consciousness means to them. Lynnda said that the belief systems we create are based on experience, knowledge, and understanding of these through the stories we believe. The awareness of the stories we tell ourselves is how Lynnda explains consciousness. The work is to release the beliefs and to reawaken to a deeper understanding of ourselves. Carol shares that being in the moment is consciousness; when we struggle to live in the present moment, we experience suffering. </h4><h4>34:18 Carol gives more details about WisdomKeepers 7-week series. The experience will assist those interested in letting go of suffering, which gets in the way of individuals stepping into their innate inner wisdom. The core of the experience is to help those who want to improve their well-being. This has been a 20-year journey for Carol, with so many layers. She says that she continues to learn about herself and the world. </h4><h4>43:03 The decision to lead a community was intentional, and Lynnda says wisdomkeeping can’t be done in solidarity. Community drives us forward and gives us the willpower and sense of heart we all need. Carol shares that collaborating on this work has been a deep and meaningful experience. </h4><h4>46:07 Community cultivates wisdom, and Deb says that at the beginning of her community journey, she intentionally allowed people to be seen, valued, and heard. </h4>
Email: Deb@FindCalmHere.com</p>
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