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Artwork Exhibition Announced!

Artwork Exhibition Announced:
“Destinations of Calm”

Artist Reception 1 1

Photographic Artwork by Deb Schell

Experience Art in the Stacks with Deb Schell’s “Destinations of Calm” artwork at the New Cumberland Public Library from 6-8 PM on March 9th.

  • An Artist Talkback will be held at 6:15 PM to hear the stories behind Deb’s travel photographs.

  • Rhyne McCormick will be providing musical entertainment.

  • Light refreshments will be provided.

  • All artwork will be available for purchase during the month of March while on exhibit at the library.

“I met Deb at a Creative First Friday event at my facility.

Deb’s high energy, creativity, and passion far surpass most photographers and bloggers our company has ever met.

We enjoy working with Deb on our Artist events and consider her a huge part of our success for our First Friday Events.”

– Lisa Colombo

About The Artist

Deb Schell is a Central Pennsylvania-based Photographic Artist and Travel Writer. She has exhibited at over 20 venues in Central PA since 2012.

As a landscape and architecture photographer, Deb’s known for her stunning images of the Pennsylvania State Capital, Harrisburg’s bridges, and now her travel photography.

Deb has run a photography business for over 10 years in Central Pennsylvania. She has worked with local theatres for production photographs, musicians for promotional photographs, and with business owners to help them select commercial photography for their homes and office.

About The Artwork

In 2020, Deb intended to expand her art exhibition and focus on sharing more landscape and nature photography (her preferred art form.)

Because of the global pandemic, plans for an art exhibition were put on hold, and Deb decided to close her photography business to focus on building an online consulting business helping new community builders.

Deb is excited to announce that she’s returning to sharing her photographic artwork with the residents of Central Pennsylvania during an upcoming art exhibition at the New Cumberland Public Library from March 1-31.

Sunlight in the Fields in Denver

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Deb visited this location just after arriving in Denver, Colorado, in the summer of 2019. This photographic print on 20×30 canvas was created while visiting Colorado’s Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge just before sunset. What makes this destination calming is that there are visible moments of quiet, with the breeze blowing through, rustling the trees, and the sunlight just peeking through the trees.

A view from Sniktau

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This photographic print on 20×30 canvas was created in the summer of 2019 while hiking at Mt. Sniktau, west of Denver, Colorado. The trip was planned based on recommendations of Deb’s friend, photojournalism mentor, and hiking enthusiast, Ross Taylor. After consulting with Ross, Deb decided that this was the first of many hikes Deb would plan to take in Colorado’s rocky mountains. What made this truly calming and exquisite was the vastness, the challenging terrain, and the conversations with a childhood friend who came on this trip and enjoyed snow top mountains in the middle of July.

The Portland Head By The Sea

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A photographic print on 20×30 canvas, this photograph was created in January of 2021 while traveling north to Maine. Deb took a road trip to visit a friend and stopped on the way home at several historic destinations. The Portland Head at Cape Elizabeth has historical roots dating back to 1787 when construction began, and the lighthouse was first lit on January 10, 1791. This destination has so much to offer for seekers of calm with ocean views; Deb found this especially nurturing in times of life’s challenges. Visiting this location alone, Deb found refuge in walking the ridge overlooking the shore. ($375.00 US)

The Calming Sounds at Glen Onoko Falls

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During the summer of 2019, Deb spent many days in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, a small town in the Poconos. This 20×30 photographic print canvas was created during a hiking trip at Glen Onoko Falls. Deb experienced the delight of this babbling brook while still feeling her feet tremble after climbing up steep rocks and gripping the sides of tree trunks to keep from slipping off the slick stones. While this view is a destination for calm at this moment as we view it, it took hard work to achieve, which isn’t visible; just like life, we often don’t see the work behind the masterpieces of today’s world. ($375.00 US)

The Grand Canyon North Rim at Sunset 1

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The Grand Canyon’s North Rim is said only to be visited by 10 percent of the 5 Million tourists that travel to Arizona each year. This 20×30 photographic print on canvas was created in the fall of 2019 while on a trip to see the spectacular sunset at the Grand Canyon. Driving from the South Rim to the North Rim by automobile requires a 4.5-hour drive of 220 miles (354 km). The peace and quiet are worth the drive. Deb enjoyed the sunset and found this destination a place for deep transformative awareness and enlightenment

A Cape Cod Winter Wonderland

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During the long trip from Maine in 2021, Deb found a home for a few days in Providence, Rhode Island. This 10×24 photographic print on canvas was created when Deb visited Cape Cod National Seashore. The cold and blustery day didn’t keep Deb from exploring the park, walking along the beaches, boardwalks, and paths carved through marshes and ponds. The final destination for Deb was this view of the ocean; arriving after hours of driving and walking about, Deb was able to stand still and appreciate the sunset while experiencing the vastness that continues to inspire her work. ($150.00 US)

The Life and Motion of Glass Beach

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In this 16×16 photographic print on canvas, Deb captures the life and movements at Glass Beach in Northern California. In the summer of 2020, Deb stood at the edge of a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean and felt massive energy and life from the critters looking for hidden treasures and the water crashing up against rocks in contrast with the ponds where calmer water was observed. This destination felt very powerful and left Deb with an energetic awareness of change. ($150.00 US)

The Winding Path Petrified Forest

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In this 16×16 photographic print on canvas, Deb captures the winding path at the Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona on the way to visiting the Grand Canyon in 2019. The vastness and colorful beauty of the landscape memorized Deb when she walked around this part for a short time. While she didn’t get to adventure down the path in this piece, she noticed the ability to observe others from afar.

The Calm at The Docks in Newport

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Deb captures a beautiful view overlooking the docks at sunset during a trip to Newport, Rhoad Island. This photographic print on 10×24 canvas was created in January 2021 after traveling over bridges and taking a stroll down the main street; Deb found the view by the docks calming. This historic town is well known for being a sailor’s town, and this is a unique view in the winter as these docs are full during the peak of summer. ($175.00 US)

Amidst the palms at St. Pete Beach

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In this 16×16 photographic print on canvas, Deb captures the palm trees at St. Pete Beach Pier in Florida. The image was created at the end of 2021 when Deb took a trip to St. Pete. Deb have a true fascination with palm trees, but this specific spot on the pier was also a place where Deb found herself singing the song (Sittin’ On) The Dock of The Bay. ($175.00)

All Artwork is available for purchase

by contacting Deb

via email at

Additional Information

Delivery Option: If you live in the Central Pennsylvania region, Contact Deb via email at for delivery instructions. Online orders will include shipping rates.

Terms and Conditions

All Sales are final and there are no refunds.

Delivery dates will depend based on your location.

All artwork ships from Central Pennsylvania and is packaged with care by the artist.

Sales Tax

The State of Pennsylvania requires Sales Tax of 6%. As a small business this owner follows state and local laws by remitting sales tax quarterly to the Department of Revenue.



Monday – Friday
10:00 am – 6:00 PM EST
Saturday – Sunday – Closed


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