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A quick guide to Mighty Networks Spaces

A quick guide to Mighty Networks Spaces

Since Mighty Network’s upgrade with Spaces at the end of 2022, the new options have allowed hosts to do so many things, but this has led to so much confusion about what’s the “right” thing for each individual.

Since working with a few hosts, I’ve found that it really depends on the goals for that space. In my opinion, each space should have a community strategy attached to it.

Mighty Network has several options for designing a space, as follows:

  • Build Your Own Space — This is a way to customize a space as you like.

  • Activity Feed — This is a space for posts and discussions, activities, comments, and questions.

  • Content Course — This is a space to design content that members consume in a specific order to learn on their own timeframe. (Some call this a self-study or evergreen course)

  • Page — This space is designed as a stand-alone page for content, including photos, text, GIFs, and videos.

  • Chat — This connects members in real time to chat and share messages, gifs, and emojis.

  • Cohort Course — This space is designed to offer members a place to consume content in a specific order and be able to talk with members who are also working through the same content to do it together.

  • Event — This space is to host individual or recurring events in person or virtually.

  • Resource — This space helps you organize content for your members easily.

A quick guide to Mighty Networks Spaces

If you are on Mighty Network’s Community Plan ($39/month)

This plan gives you access to all of the spaces except the following:

  1. Cohort Course

  2. Content Course

  3. Page(s)

  4. Resource(s)

Screenshot 2023 04 24 at 11.34.05 AM

A quick guide to Mighty Networks Spaces
Creator to Community Builder
Book Launch Community (Spaces Example)

    <h4>A quick guide to Mighty Networks Spaces. I will provide an example below of how to set up Mighty Network spaces.</h4><h4>For this community, here are the spaces I’ll be designing: </h4><h4><strong>The Feed Space</strong> (This used to be the main home page of Mighty Networks) includes an activity feed for discussions, a discovery area for onboarding, an events area, and a members section.</h4><h4>I’m naming this space Book Supporters.</h4><h4><strong>A quick guide to Mighty Networks Spaces</strong></h4><h4><strong>The purpose of this space:</strong></h4><ul><li><h4>To introduce members to the space (onboarding)</h4></li><li><h4>To let members know the expectations, benefits, and community culture.</h4></li><li><h4>To tell the members how they can participate in a variety of ways — chat, comment, share photos, attend events, and meet fellow members.</h4></li></ul><h4><strong>What does this space include:</strong></h4><ul><li><h4>Updates about the book</h4></li><li><h4>Podcast interviews</h4></li><li><h4>Blog posts related to the book</h4></li><li><h4>Exclusive behind-the-scenes content</h4></li><li><h4>Media articles about the book</h4></li><li><h4>Events, including the launch party</h4></li></ul> <h4><strong>A quick guide to Mighty Networks Spaces</strong></h4><h4><strong>The strategy for this space:</strong></h4><ul><li><h4>Onboarding members with an email sequence to inform them about the space.</h4></li><li><h4>Invite members to become advanced readers when the digital book is available.</h4></li><li><h4>The goal of getting 20–50 testimonials for the book before launch day.</h4></li></ul>A quick guide to Mighty Networks Spaces<h4>The Chat Space (In the previous version of Mighty Networks, this used to be within a group that a host could turn on so that members in that group could chat.)</h4><h4>I’m naming this space: Creator Community Chat.</h4>A quick guide to Mighty Networks Spaces<h4><strong>The purpose of this space:</strong></h4><ul><li><h4>To encourage community builders to connect with each other</h4></li><li><h4>To offer potential clients the to ask questions and receive a response from a consultant</h4></li><li><h4>To inspire members with tips, quotes, and excerpts from the book</h4></li></ul> <h4>The strategy for this space:</h4><ul><li><h4>Weekly content shared — tip, quote, or excerpt from the book.</h4></li><li><h4>Encourage members to share, ask, and give feedback from the book.</h4></li><li><h4>Ask members to share what they’ve learned from the book.</h4></li></ul><h4>The Feed Space — For Resources</h4><h4>Since I’m on the community plan, I don’t have access to the Resources or Course Spaces which include a Table of Contents used to organize content. Mighty Networks removed the “topics” navigation feature on the left sidebar (from the previous version), which means that hosts have a tough time figuring out how to reorganize content.</h4><h4>In the past, I would recommend that a host have no more than 5–7 topics to keep the sidebar clean and not too overwhelming for new members. The new design of spaces changes the navigation feature but removes the ability to organize content in a topic format. </h4><h4>If a host selects the Business Plan, they will have the Table of Contents, and it will be easier for you to use this feature to organize your content. If you, like me, are on the Community plan, I’ve chosen to put all of the resources in a feed that will sort with the newest content at the top. </h4><h4><b>What does this space include: </b></h4><ul><li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><h4>Resources for members to promote the book </h4></li><li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><h4>Ideas for members to start sharing the book </h4></li><li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><h4>Social media templates for them to use </h4></li></ul><h4> A quick guide to Mighty Networks Spaces</h4><h4><b>The strategy for this space: </b></h4><ul><li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><h4>Provide resources for members to be able to use the book right away </h4></li><li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><h4>Have a dedicated place for members to find ideas about promoting the book </h4></li><li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><h4>Give members social media templates to make sharing the book easier during the launch and when running promos.</h4></li></ul>       
        <h1>From Creator to Community builder... </h1>      
    Stop creating content for free on social media channels that demand more and more content. Your audience wants to connect with you and each other; let's make that possible and bring you the income you deserve. You may have a community concept but struggle on where to launch, how to get started, or what to do. Let me help!</p>     
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    <p>Monday - Friday<br />10:00 am - 6:00 PM EST<br />Saturday - Sunday - Closed</p>      
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        <p>A quick guide to Mighty Networks Spaces © 2024 Find Calm Here LLC, All Rights Reserved.</i>
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