In this episode, I speak with Ayelet Baron! She’s passionate about helping others become aware of their ability to create a fulfilling life. She teaches them to trust in their hearts. She also helps them tap into their imagination.
Ayelet is a multi-award-winning author of the F*ck the Bucket List trilogy and Our Journey to Corporate Sanity. She dreams that the F*ck the Bucket List triplets, as she calls them, help unleash millions of heart-centered people. These people are ready to do their inner work. Ultimately, they join us in the Heart Pickings community. Together, we work as architects of humanity.
Show Notes
7:02: Ayelet starts with her personal and professional experiences of community throughout her life. This includes being a systems operator. She also ran communities of interest. Additionally, she launched an internal online community that was before its time.
15:10: Ayelet explains her current project, Heart Pickings, which is about connection and dialogue, helping people find one another.
17:39: Amazing people worldwide are creating healthy systems. These systems serve the vast majority of humanity, not the few. But we don’t know about them.
22:44: Ayelet discusses the books she has written. She explains how they are for anyone at any age. She talks about her hopes for the future. She hopes that one day her books will not be needed. She envisions a world where we are healthy and understand what community is.
27:09: Moving on to launching, Ayelet highlights that it’s taking more time in architecture and building. She’s hoping to launch in the next six months. There will be an application process, and they’re essentially creating what they need, not what they want for the end-user.
33:50: Trust, relationships, and community are the three most significant currencies of where we’re headed.
38:34: Deb and Ayelet go deeper into starting and building valuable relationships if you’re considering an online community. Two technologies she recommends are conversation and connection or the spark.
41:03: When you start looking at it, you begin considering who you want to connect with. You also contemplate why. It’s not about what community you want to build.
Chris Fitz is the Founder and Artistic Director of River Crossing Playback Theatre in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. With experience in improvisational arts since 2003, Chris and his ensemble use Playback Theatre to build community by dramatically portraying real-life stories.
He is also a trained mediator and former Executive Director of the Center for Community Peacemaking, specializing in Restorative Justice—community-based practices that address harm and promote healing in schools, communities, and the legal system.
Chris sees Playback Theatre as a tool for personal and social healing, emphasizing the power of storytelling to foster connection, belonging, and understanding. Through performances like ”Healing York,” his troupe has addressed issues like racial harm, showing how storytelling can help heal communities.
Chris believes in the importance of repeated dialogue and rituals to foster belonging, whether in-person or online, and offers advice to community builders on engaging participants without relying too heavily on presentations.
His focus remains on creating safe spaces for people to connect, share their stories, and address community challenges through both art and conversation.
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The Community Strategy Podcast offers interviews with online community leaders who share their community-building journey. Our podcast covers community concepts, community building, community strategy, community structure, community membership, and community management. Visit our Website Find Calm Here to learn more about working with Deb