Today, I’m happy to introduce the Rev. Mike Travisano, an ordained Buddhist priest, (Oshō)
mindfulness instructor, and integrative group therapy facilitator for an intensive outpatient program for adolescents and young adults. Mike is also the founder of The Art of Monday Morning. This company provides mindfulness instruction to individuals and organizations.
In this episode, you’ll hear Mike’s story of starting a Monday evening group in partnership with Mt. Calvary Episcopal Church in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. The Dragonfly Sanga is a weekly Buddhist Mindfulness and Meditation community meeting on Mondays at 6:30 pm. Sensei Tony also hosts a virtual session on YouTube on Mondays at 6:30 pm.
Mike spent most of his career working in tech software, but his life took a turn in 2020 when he joined the seminary to become an ordained Buddhist priest. Over two years, he studied and wrote about his thoughts and understanding of Buddhism. He finishes with a “plunge,” which allows students to choose their path toward how they will implement their training. Working with those seeking help, Mike began providing support through mindfulness counseling.
To give context to the community, Mike explains the Three Jewels: (1) Buddha: The Teacher, (2) Dharma: The Teachings, and (3) Sangha: The Community. He started the Monday evening services in 2022 to give people a place to take refuge and learn helpful tools. The magic of community is beneficial for balance; it’s not only about Mike’s achievements or abilities but also about talking about the practices together.