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Tips to get booked on a podcast from the pros

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        <h2>Get Booked as a Podcast Guest</h2>      
    <h4>As a new podcaster this year, I've worked to grow the Community Strategy Podcast, and meeting fellow podcasters has been super helpful for me in knowing where to go when I'm feeling overwhelmed. </h4><h4>To find some calm, I was happy to discover a community called <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">PodPros</a>, hosted by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Alex Sanfilippo</a>, who also hosts <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Podcasting Made Simple</a>.</h4><h4>Alex has hosted quarterly events since the beginning of the year, and I've attended all of them! As an avid note-taker, I have shared my notes with fellow event attendees. </h4><h4>Today, I'm sharing my takeaways from the most recent event, Q3. </h4><h4>The event is set up on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Mighty Networks</a> and has two tracks, one for podcast hosts and one for podcast guests. </h4><h4>In the past two events, I've attended the Podcast Host track to learn more about improving my podcasting skills, developing better systems and processes, and making my life a bit calmer with podcast tips from the pros. </h4><h4>For Q3, I switched it up and attended the Guest Track to gain wisdom on how to get onto a podcast as a guest since this will be my focus for the remainder of the year. </h4><h4>I'm happy to announce that the CSP Producer, Callisa, will be taking over many of the day-to-day operations, and I'll be focused on promoting my new book (in the process of writing it now.) </h4><h4>Anyway - let's get to the tips! </h4>      
        <h2>Alex shares tips for podcast hosts </h2>        
    <h4>Session Description: Alex Sanfilippo shares something that has bothered him about the podcasting experience on both sides of the mic. And much friction is involved with podcasting and life regarding balance. Alex shares an alternative way to view, produce, and share your podcast. He calls it "frictionless podcasting" and shares ways to make podcasting a natural, long-term part of your life that will lead to less stress but more fulfillment.</h4><h4>Step 1: Revisit your Why - how it connects with you and your business, is it enjoyable? </h4><h4>Step 2: Build a Virtual Community—We have connected thanks to the new digital world, and we want to know why it is essential to you. Connect your "why" with what matters to you. </h4><h4>How do you connect with others? </h4><h4>Why do you enjoy connecting with others, and what makes it valuable? </h4><h4>Engagement helps connect you with others. How are you remembered? </h4><h4>Can you reconnect with others through content? </h4><h4>Are you talking to your listeners? </h4><h4>Step 3: Avoid "shiny" objects - Tools can be distracting because every day, things come out and tell you how you should check out the "next thing." </h4><h4>Traps for content creators: content creators constantly check out new things and get stuck.</h4><h4>Just because a tech tool is free, you aren't required to use it. </h4><h4>Also, is the tool purposeful and helpful for you right now? </h4><h4>Figure out how to simplify your process, not add more complexity. </h4><h4>Step 4: Remove friction to have longevity with your podcast </h4><h4>What do you enjoy the least about podcasting? (And remove it!) </h4><h4>What takes the longest in your podcast workflow? (And simplify)</h4><h4>What do you enjoy the most about podcasting? (Keep doing that!) </h4><h4>Are you talking with your listeners or talking to them? (Check yourself!) </h4><h4>Be yourself - take listeners on a journey with you; you don't have to be the "expert" in the room; you just have to be willing to share your journey with them. </h4><h4>Action Item: Community Builders: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Check out this post that helps you figure out what tools you need and when to keep your tech tools simple </a></h4><h4>*Sharing the journey (take a photo of you doing the thing) with them so they can be a part of the podcast journey that you are experiencing and connect with you!</h4>      
        <h2>The State of Podcasting: You Never Know Who's Listening (Keynote with Todd Cochrane)</h2>       

    <h4>In this keynote session, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Todd Cochrane</a> (Founder of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Blubrry Podcasting</a> and one of the first 40 podcasters ever) delivers <em>The State of Podcasting Address for PodPros Q3,</em> which contains details of the podcasting industry's past, present, and future and offers insights into its future. </h4><h4>The Guest Track was led by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Jaime Legagneur -</a> Founder of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Flint Stone Media and the Florida Podcast Network. </a></h4><h4>Key Takeaways </h4><h4>“Back in the day” - Tough to launch, expensive to build, and challenging to grow</h4><h4>Do content that you are passionate about, which helps with longevity </h4><h4>Please don’t get discouraged; it takes time to grow a podcast! </h4><h4>Challenges with guests who lost excitement after sharing the same story </h4><h4>As a guest, you should be telling the same story but positioning it to different audiences each time so there is a way to share the stories with other people. </h4><h4>As a host doing a podcast while working on promoting other podcasts, I do not see a considerable overlap between the audience subscribers and listeners.  </h4><h4>Action Item: Schedule Sprints of guesting on several podcast shows</h4><h4>As a guest, with a goal of reaching more people, he recommends getting on 2-4 podcast shows per month if you are working to promote by consistent scheduling or “sprints” if you are in “launch” mode with a new product or service. Also, consider seasonality and what you can fit into your schedule. </h4><h4>As a guest - If you get on a “big show,” it could be great, but sometimes they can’t hold a “large” audience over time. In a smaller show, the host would know a good amount of the listeners individually and could shift the conversation to address the people directly in their audience with the conversation that will keep them listening. </h4><h4>As a host - Why is it important to “own your hub” - Where you go “home” is the website; it is where a host can focus your attention, build exposure, help with SEO and Google exposure, listings/ rankings - you need your own “home” for your podcast. </h4><h4>Goals of a successful podcast host: </h4><h4>Come to the website and read the show notes. </h4><h4>Find episodes through Google. </h4><h4>Get people who can read, subscribe, and connect with the host. </h4><h4>Content originates from the website; it is key (discoverability) </h4><h4>Sponsorship needs a “home” with a specific landing page. </h4><h4><em>“Don’t build your castle on “rented” ground </em>- mico sites are challenges for podcasters for many reasons, including change of business and changes in ranking. <em>“People aren’t searching for a podcast name; they are searching for a topic,” said Todd</em></h4><h4>90 percent of podcasts deliver 90 percent of their content within the first 96 hours of recorded content that listeners will go back and listen to, so it is essential to keep content legacy or evergreen for the listeners that want to experience the “history” of the podcast, but the content will still be relevant </h4><h4>You never know who’s listening - the majority of the world - more and more people are listening to podcasts. </h4>     
        <h2>How to Effectively Get Booked on Podcasts | Kay Suthar
    <h4>In this talk, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Kay Suthar</a> shared the top 3 proven and tested methods that have benefitted several other Podcast Guests. </h4><h4><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Kay Suthar</a> is the CEO of Make Your Mark Podcast Agency and the Host of Uncensored Society Podcast.</h4><h4>How to successfully get on podcasts → Not as simple as we may think</h4><h4>Podcasters reject 90 percent of pitches. </h4><h4>4 Reasons why your pitch may be rejected </h4><h4>Not customized to the host or show.</h4><h4>It needs to know more about the show or audience. </h4><h4>Lack of Flexibility  </h4><h4>Step 1: Do your research </h4><h4>Listen to a few podcast episodes. </h4><h4>Consider episodes with similar topics so that you can provide a different perspective. </h4><h4>Step 2: Do not use "pre-written" or "copy-paste" pitches </h4><h4>Podcasters want to know which episode you listened to and what value you took from the episode, and if you didn't listen to that podcast, you'll have a hard time answering the questions. </h4><h4>Sending a message that isn't customized might miss the glaring mistakes (episodes haven't been released yet - for example) </h4><h4>Step 3: Make it easy on the host </h4><h4>Podcasters get so many pitches per day/week. </h4><h4>Respect the process, whether there's an application or not, and be flexible. </h4><h4>Be sure that you help make it easy to be selected by offering all the things they ask in a form or being willing to get on a pre-interview call to build better relationships with them. </h4><h4>Being flexible and offering unique ideas during the "pre-interview" to bring value and be personable will help you get "bumped up" in the interview schedule. </h4><h4>Tell the podcast host that you will share/promote the episodes; if you have a larger audience than the podcaster, you are more likely to get accepted. </h4><h4>Competition for a guest has grown, and it is harder to get the "yes" as there are so many more people applying that there are "waitlists" for podcasts.  </h4><h4>Step 4: Learn to improvise. Podcasts can be video or live streams, so no matter how much you prepare, make sure you are ready to improvise on the spot. </h4><h4>Keep the environment as organized as possible, but also keep open to the unexpected responses to everyday day-to-day things… that you can respond to make you memorable. </h4><h4>Get booked on podcasts by being yourself! *sometimes, what you think is a disaster could be a blessing in disguise. </h4><h4>Gain constructive criticism from the host and become a better guest; if the podcaster is giving you "praise," you can ask the host for recommendations of other podcasts - eliminate the need to "search" for shows. </h4><h4>Have fun with it! Don't get annoyed and angry; it will happen - keep it fun! </h4><h4>The more you share your story on podcasts, the more you'll gain more confidence. </h4><h4>Action Item: Tracking guest outreach, pitches </h4><h4><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Put together a spreadsheet to track pitches, which you</a> can use to get started! </h4><h4>Name of the podcast, the progress of research, date of pitch </h4><h4>Follow up and keep track of when you book the podcast. </h4><h4>Use a combination of organic and services to get booked. </h4><h4>Tips for good pitches </h4><h4>Keep it short</h4><h4>Make an effort </h4><h4>Be diligent with follow-ups. </h4>        
        <h2>Selling to Podcast Hosts Instead of Listeners  </h2>        
    <h4> In this session, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Chris Williams</a> challenges us to take a step back and see what’s going on behind the microphones of the best high-ticket sales and lead-gen hosts and guests in podcasting.</h4><h4>Key Takeaways </h4><h4>Talk to the podcaster to help them understand what I do differently → To sell to them through your talk on the podcast episode. </h4><h4>Flip the script as a host and approach them with an offer to help them and their audience by allowing them to share what you know as a guest. </h4><h4>Make sure to screen how you reach out to podcast hosts - Go through the process of finding the “ideal client” on the podcast host’s profile using keywords. </h4><h4>Research the podcast audience and the host → are they able to both use what we do? </h4><h4>Go to the podcast website → look at the “ideal clients” and see if you match -</h4><h4>You can reach out to them and say, “I’m really blown away by what you are doing on your podcast.” </h4><h4>Check out the profile or media page - share that with them and see if they could help you by helping them.</h4><h4>Directly contact podcast hosts looking for your “area of genius.”</h4><h4>Be open to continuing the conversation after the interview if they are interested in what they are doing! </h4><h4>Only host and guest on shows that are intentional about the conversation, helping the audience and the host – this is the fastest way to group coaching, 1:1 coaching, and high-ticket - do the RIGHT work to get the BEST results! </h4><h4>How do you know when is the right time to transition and talk about your product or service without feeling “salesy?” </h4><h4>Focus on the context and create a great experience for the listeners and the audience. </h4><h4>What works is going on shows with a HOST that could be a client! </h4><h4>He recommends finding guesting fun and entertaining - 3 podcast guest interviews per week. </h4><h4>Action Item: Link to Group Coaching Nation </h4>       
        <h2>How to Engage Listeners and Influence Podcasters </h2>      

    <h4>Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People was one of the most valuable and influential books ever written on connecting and influencing people. Still, it's old, the examples are old, and even the modernized version is old. In this session, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Johnny Ball</a> goes through fundamental principles from How to Win Friends and Influence People that apply to us in the world of podcasting that we could be using to land more appearances and deeper networking connections and how we can use them in 2022 and beyond.</h4><h4>Making connections with the "right" people and being intentional about guesting </h4><h4>Establish yourself as a guest with podcasters. </h4><h4>Get invited back as a guest. </h4><h4> Action Item: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Book Recommendation: How to Win Friends and Influence People </a></h4><h4>Key Takeaways </h4><h4>Listen to podcasts and give a rating and review </h4><h4>When contacting the host, share a compliment about the podcast show. </h4><h4>"Don't be needy, be Succedy." </h4><h4>Don't treat hosts like a "one-night stand," but nurture relationships after the episode. </h4><h4>What is logical isn't what people get excited about </h4><h4>Being curious / Being Excited / Success Stories → Powerful triggers to share your story when guesting </h4><h4>Offer what is needed instead of what you think they need </h4><h4>Check out the episode title, and notice crossover for the value you can create </h4><h4>What topic will be exciting for them? </h4><h4>It does take time… </h4><h4>Genuinely interested in other people </h4><h4><em> </em></h4><h4><em>During the interview </em></h4><h4>Listen to the questions being asked. </h4><h4>Don't talk over the host; leave gaps for the host to jump in. </h4><h4>Interact with their content and show that you are interested.</h4><h4>Smile and share your personality.  </h4><h4> </h4><h4>After the interview </h4><h4>Don't leave great reviews for crappy shows that you didn't find valuable </h4><h4>Share the episode with your audiences. </h4> </p>       
        <h2>Converting Listeners Into Leads | Courtney Elmer

Session Description: Do you feel like you’re giving away your best content in every interview but still not getting the ROI you want for your time? In this session, Courtney Elmer helps us discover how to tap into the power of listener psychology and structure our content in a way that compels someone listening to take action. 

She’s the CEO and founder of The EffortLESS Life®, a company dedicated to helping online entrepreneurs establish the right systems, structure, and support so they can scale to the $1M milestone and thrive in their zone of genius as the visionary leader of their company.

Key Takeaways 

One thing to be passionate about is what you share, but it is another thing to take action! 

Spend time speaking to the right audience on the right shows.  

5 Step Process 

Find the right show and audience. 

Evaluate shows

Pitch yourself by positing as a problem solver. 

Control the conversation during the interview. 

Move the listeners to action. 

Understanding who you are speaking to and why they are important 

As a “globally ranked host,” she is very selective, and sometimes, the guest “falls flat.” 

The more she interviewed as a guest, the more she learned there needed to be more audience alignment.

 Action Item: Research Podcasts on Listen Notes: The Best Podcast Search Engine ™ 

Get in front of a sizable and aligned audience. 

Positioning is the crucial thing that most people miss → Approach the conversation with a focus on how you can teach the audience something interesting that their audience would enjoy 

I vetted the shows so you know that the show is worth your time. 

You can speak to the audience and offer solutions. 

Make it easy for the host to ask the questions that guide the conversation toward your “offer” or the “action” you want the audience to take 

Solve the problem during the interview, and then encourage them to take action because you’ve offered another problem you can solve with your “call to action.” 

Revisit the pitch strategy. 

Are you a problem solver? 

Are you controlling the conversation during the interview? 

Did you connect with the audience and have a clear call to action? 

Being as specific as possible about what you can offer as a guest will help you stand out from others. Lean into the details, as they will help with conversions. 

Key on the Listen Notes 

LOW Global Ranking number (the smaller the number, the bigger the show) 

HIGH Listen Score (more downloads) 


What Being a Podcast Guest Is Really About | Jem Fuller

Jem Fuller explores that being a podcast guest is not about you. Although this sounds counterintuitive, it’s about getting out of your way to serve the greater good of the conversation. This understanding frees you from self-consciousness, creating a more free-flowing and engaging conversation.

Key Takeaways 

Thoughtful Insight: Is it all about me, or is it not all about me? 

How do I make it not ALL about me and positivity impact others? 

Start with why 

Put ego to the side. 

Lean in and listen. 

Action Item: Questions to consider: 

What’s the primary purpose of the show? 

Are you elevating or creating awareness? 

How can you let go of the ego that keeps you from being open to debate?

Could you arrive with an open mind and seek to understand the other person?

Can I be authentic and provide key reasons and intentions when sharing my story? 

Framing something in a way that they understand how it was understood 

Alignment of a differing opinion or different perspectives doesn’t mean it might not be a great fit as a guest, but if the top purpose or mission doesn’t resonate, then it probably isn’t a good match. 

Should we focus on ROI and Leads → Is that the only ROI? What about energy? 

Energy expense – are we getting energy back or feeling depleted? 

It depends on expectations/alignment with goals. Have a great conversation that is inspirational and enjoyable for the audience. 

Meaningful messages and wanting to feel fulfilled 


Jasmine Star’s Journey As a Podcaster

    <h4><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Jasmine Star</a> empowers entrepreneurs to market their businesses on social media, build a brand, and create a life they love. After dropping out of law school, she became an internationally recognized creative entrepreneur before age 30. She later founded Social Curator, a social media marketing company in which she has helped over 35,000 business owners. </h4><h4>Her top-rated podcast, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Jasmine Star Show</a>, has amassed millions of downloads since its inception in October 2019, where Jasmine educates entrepreneurs on how to turn their passion into profits.</h4><h4>She shares her journey, and Alex asks why she started the podcast. </h4><h4>Late 2019, Creative outlet without rules or expectations </h4><h4>Jasmine: I was consuming podcasts, but I wasn’t on the podcast scene. I decided to launch to serve others, and I was less concerned about metrics and ROI because that comes from other aspects of her business. </h4><h4>She wasn’t a guest on many podcasts; she didn’t describe herself as a “regular guest.” </h4><h4>She didn’t want to launch a podcast in the first place but later transitioned </h4><h4>It was about three years between when she was listening to podcasts and becoming a podcaster. </h4><h4>Tips: She started the podcast with a small but mighty group of listeners </h4><h4>Time / Goals / Deadlines </h4><h4>She never set specific goals or timelines for strategic episode releases. </h4><h4>I struggle along the way - Showing up on days when I don’t feel like it. </h4><h4>We like the results and are feeling good, but doing the work isn’t fun but batching content and getting in the deep work; as a host, I want to be prepared, but it is a lot of work. </h4><h4>But I know that my business wasn’t built on motivation; it has been built on discipline - I can do what I need to and get the results. </h4><h4>Getting a lead from a podcast is difficult → not everyone finishes podcasts, so they may not be hearing the CTA. </h4><h4>Track the podcast leads through the journey →. Most qualified and convert well, but the podcast listener has already decided to buy, and they are committed; they don’t need to be sold. </h4><h4>You can’t mask emotion in audio interviews. Give actual steps, be clear, find words, and find them quickly. Get to the point! </h4><h4>How to get the guest to promote the episode for hosts: She never had expectations, and she believes that she understands that guests are on many shows and don’t have the time to share all the time. </h4><h4> Action Item:  Change perspective as a HOST: </h4><h4>Sharing is caring but not required; it is always a BONUS!  </h4><h4>Pro-Tip: Be realistic and authentic - ask if you don’t understand the question, be transparent </h4><h4> Did you like my notes? <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Say thanks with a cup of coffee!</a> </h4>       
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Bonsai: An all-in-one business tool

Bonsai is an all-in-one business organization tool to help you organize proposals, contracts, leads, expenses, keep track of client projects, and more! Run your entire business in one place with the help of this business management tool that combines CRM, invoicing, accounting, and banking. Deliver an outstanding client experience and win more work!

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