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Move past imposter syndrome by discovering your superpowers: Futuristic

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Move Past Impostor Syndrome by
Discovering Your Superpower: Futuristic


In early 2020, at the start of the pandemic, I excitedly logged into Zoom and was face-to-face with Hal Elrod, the host of Achieve Your Goals Podcast. Not long after the call started, it ended abruptly from what I assume was a tech glitch because Zoom couldn’t handle 400+ people at the time. When I returned to the call, I was in a virtual room with 80 people, including Jesse Harless, an author and strengths coach who supports individuals in navigating recovery. He and I spoke, along with several others who spoke on challenges and how they’d guided them in the past. 

Later, I connected with Jesse, who told me about the experiential calls he led and had opened up for free to anyone, and he invited me to join his group. It was informal, other than Jesse establishing a sense of safety and security from the beginning of the call, allowing me to feel seen, valued, and heard. He helped me see that being a leader doesn’t always mean being the one who’s speaking; sometimes, it is a way to give others a chance to be heard. 

During the calls (which sometimes lasted 2-3 hours), he would walk through a series of strategies I later learned through the XChange program that Jon Burgoff created to help leaders, coaches, consultants, and facilitators unlock creative intelligence in any group. The structure could look different for each leader, and there’s a better way to explain it, so please visit the website to learn about the exact training. 

I’m sharing this with you because one of the visualization sessions Jesse led our group through helped me decide to launch the Find Calm Here Community in 2020. After sitting and asking myself how I want to experience the world in the future, I visualized the life I now am sitting here, sharing and writing about. 

I’ve always had a vision for potential and possibilities in my life and the lives of others. That led me to start the Find Calm Here Community, first as just a group of 10 women in my apartment who gathered to share and learn ways to find calm in daily life. 

This group transitioned online in the spring of 2020, and I started offering workshops after speaking with my friends from the Location Indie Community I’d been a member of; they were the first to sign up for my community when I launched it. Throughout that year, I hosted over 30 virtual workshops on how to find calm in daily life because I thought it was possible to see quiet, and it was our practice to live an everyday life to find calm each day.  

Looking back on that experience two years later, I recognize that while I had a great community concept, it wasn’t a good business concept, and since I have “pivoted” the message and the method of how I help others find calm in daily life, shifting to help startups, business owners, and entrepreneurs find calm. 


Move Past Impostor Syndrome by
Discovering Your Superpower: Futuristic.

So what does this have to do with futuristic and explaining how I use that strength?

Well, if it isn’t apparent, I take advantage of every opportunity to describe to others all the amazing things I see happening in the weeks, months, and years ahead. 

Gallup Clifton Strengths Insights Guide states, “Your vision opens people’s minds to new and wondrous possibilities. I challenge them to consider ideas they might not have thought of independently. Chances are good that I regularly spend most of my time contemplating what the world could be like years or decades from today. Ideas come to me when I’m in the company of visionary thinkers. They stimulate my inventiveness, and I’ll likely think intensely to conceive vivid mental images of the future.” 

On the Clifton Strengths Podcast, How to Improve Your Wellbeing with Futuristic, Jaclynn Robinson explains, “When you [the person with Futuristic] take those visions of a brighter or bolder world and put them into action, you can bring innovations and ways of thinking to live. If you’re a manager, bring that Futuristic person to the table because if they’ve matured that talent theme, they can help people see, touch, and taste what that future looks like. That’s going to bring a lot of inspiration.” 

Move Past Impostor Syndrome by
Discovering Your Superpower: Futuristic.
How Futuristic can be applied

  • I have an incredible ability to envision the future 

  • I have a unique ability to see the future that provides creative plans and solutions 

  • I have a robust basis for leadership 

  • My vision of the future will excite the imagination of others, and they will be inspired because of my ability to see possibilities and have hope 

Here’s what I have said about my work:  

“I first met Deb (virtually) in May 2020 when I attended a masterclass. Deb was instrumental in pulling together a group of attendees to form a group that met weekly to help each other develop their businesses. She recognized that people face a common set of challenges when creating new membership-based businesses, and she’s using her experience and insight to provide an excellent consultancy service supported by a series of handouts that guide people through the maze. Working with Deb is a breath of fresh air. She’s straightforward, trustworthy, and kind. I come away from sessions with her realizing that I have discovered a new way to look at my business because she has offered thoughts and analysis that don’t occur to me when working alone. I highly recommend Deb to anybody developing a new online membership-based business.” – Peter Berrie.

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