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Living as a business owner and other musings

Hi, Reader

It’s Sunday, and I’m feeling joy, gratitude, and a sense of calm.

This isn’t just because I’m busy with clients (which I am)…

Or because I have gotten a ton of writing done this week (which I haven’t)…

But I’m so thankful for spending time with friends and family in a way that fits my lifestyle.

I have been to music in the park, at the farm market with my niece and nephew, and at a drive-in movie theater!

Check out my post on IG below.

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A post shared by Deb Schell (@deb_schell)

Working with clients this past week has helped me continue to understand the complexity and creativity that come from a desire to design a lifestyle business with a community-led structure.

It takes time and patience, but it’s well worth it!

Many clients I’ve worked with share that they need help with pricing offers, designing programs, and knowing what their members want in a membership or online course. What I learned is that it’s just about getting the details and making the decision. But so many thoughts can block us from reaching that point of being ready to share our ideas with the world.

When I thought back on my journey, I remembered this poem:

‘She sat at the back, and they said she was shy,
She led from the front, and they hated her pride,
They asked her advice and then questioned her guidance,
They branded her loud, then were shocked by her silence,
When she shared no ambition, they said it was sad,
So she told them about her dreams, and they said she was mad,
They told her they’d listen, then covered their ears,
And hugged her while they laughed at her fears,
And she listened to all of it, thinking she should,
Be the girl they told her to be as best as she could,
But one day, she asked what was best for herself,
Instead of trying to please everyone else,
So she walked to the forest and stood with the trees,
She heard the wind whisper and dance with the leaves,
She spoke to the willow, the elm, and the pine,
And she told them what she’d been told time after time,
She told them she felt she was never enough,
She was either too little or far too much,
Too loud or too quiet, too fierce or too weak,
Too wise or too foolish, too bold or too meek,
Then she found a small clearing surrounded by firs,
And she stopped…and she heard what the trees said to her,
And she sat there for hours, not wanting to leave,
For the forest said nothing, it just let her breathe.’
Author: Becky Helmsley

Want to chat? Reply to this email or book a discovery call here.

Have a great week!

Best, Deb

Deb Schell

Deb Schell

I’m the author of Creator to Community Builder: Find Calm While Building Your Online Community and host of The Community Strategy Podcast.

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P.S. Creator to Community Builder received a new review; check it out here!

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