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Connecting Members in Online Communities

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Connecting Members in Online Communities

Connecting your online community members can feel like an overwhelming task as a new community-builder. But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

As a host, you’ll want to find new and creative ways to ignite your community. You can do this with courses, challenges, events, and weekly or monthly connection calls. 

Check out this post on 2022 Community Industry Trends. To get some ideas I’ve put together some great resources. Below are a community resources you can use at any stage. During or after your launch, and as you grow your online community. 

It is great to read a book, take a course, or complete a challenge. 

But by doing something TOGETHER with others on the journey of life we can all connect and relate to each other in some way. Community makes this possible and offers the opportunity to dive deeper, cultivate meaningful connections, and collaborate with others all over the world. 

Connecting Members in Online Communities
Video to watch

In this Ted Talk, Connected, but alone? Sherry Turkle studies how our devices and online personas are redefining human connection and communication — and asks us to think deeply about the new kinds of connection we want. 

In this powerful talk, she says, “We expect more from technology and less from each other.” Turkle shares that, as a society, we are lonely but afraid of intimacy, vulnerability, and sharing our true selves. We turn to technology to help us feel connected in “ways we can control,” but we aren’t in control; the social media platforms are in control. 

Insightful Article to read

In this Forbes article, Making Connections And Building Online Communities In A Challenging Year, learn how to build and cultivate a thriving brand community through the power of events, apps, and platforms that create a deeper connection than the mainstream social media channels you’ve been used to using to connect with others. 

“At a time when everyone is seeking more human interaction, online communities allow companies to connect with customers on a deeper, more authentic level—one that can generate greater brand loyalty while providing insight into what customers want and need. This enables companies to respond accordingly and adjust product plans to reflect their audience’s desires.


Conversation starters

Kat Vellos created a fantastic calendar that gives you a full year of daily conversation starters to spark authentic and deeper connections. Each month offers fresh alternatives to the typical questions you hear all day (e.g., how are you, where are you from, how was school or work today, what did you do this weekend, etc). Bring new life to your conversations! You’ll boost your social skills AND your reputation as a sparkling conversationalist. 

Online Onboarding Playbook Square (1)

NEW: The 2024 Online Community Onboarding Playbook

The 2024 Online Community Onboarding Playbook

This comprehensive playbook for online community managers, hosts, and guides offers best practices, checklists, and templates for creating an onboarding plan for your members.


Bonsai: An all-in-one business tool

Bonsai is an all-in-one business organization tool to help you organize proposals, contracts, leads, expenses, keep track of client projects, and more! Run your entire business in one place with the help of this business management tool that combines CRM, invoicing, accounting, and banking. Deliver an outstanding client experience and win more work!

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