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Community Book Review: Get Together

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Get Together

Community Book Review: Get Together

What I’ve learned:

Co-creation is the magic of community; build it WITH them! Community isn’t an audience; it’s a group of people who collaborate to accomplish things together that they CAN’T do on their own!

Here are a few questions to consider and steps to take when building an online community. 

Who do I bring together, and why do we want to unite?

Who are my allies? Write down the names of people who are “kindling.”

What shared activity will we do that is purposefully and participatory?

After that activity, did people enjoy it? I’d like you to please get reflections for future events.

Build it after validating the people, activity/event, and what they want.

Could you create a space for the conversations to continue following the events?

Prompt conversations with new members so they feel welcome.

Establish a code of conduct, moderators, and structure.

Please bring them back for more and grow your membership.

Could you share the story of how the community started?

Give members a place to be heard by allowing them to share their stories.

Spotlight exceptional members to bring the community to life. 

It is your unique community; own it!

Elevate signature rituals that bond your members.

You can just develop your unique shared language.

Could you keep track of people who keep showing up?

Please pay attention to the most engaged members; they are future leaders.

Could you communicate your challenges or mistakes to offer authentic vulnerability?

Worksheets & Additional Resources

Pinpointing Who to Focus on

Purpose Statement

WHY themes worksheet 

work with Deb

Book a 2-hr Strategy Session

Book a 2-Hour Strategy Session

During our session, you can decide whether you want to focus on strategy or implementation as the primary focus. If you have a structure and a plan, we can discuss how to implement that better and improve your process. If you don’t have a structure or a plan, we can work to create a roadmap for the next 30,60 and 90 days.

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