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Are you Community Curious?

Here’s a quick checklist for identifying if you’re ready to launch an intentional community of practice with an audience, customers, clients, or followers.

What is an intentional community of practice? 

It is an online community that is focused on taking something as simple as a skill you’ve found deeply impacted your life, business, career, or personal goals in a positive and inspiring direction and have the willingness to share this journey so that others can practice the steps you’ve taken together to create a massive change in their lives. 

You don’t need a certificate, degree, or another kind of validating piece of paper to have a skill. You’ve already done the work, and maybe you continue to practice and want others to practice with you. 

It can be as simple as a group that offers accountability so that you accomplish tasks you’ve put off and trading the time you spend distracting yourself social media to shift to intentionally being present for a virtual session that has the ability to radically change your thoughts, actions, and daily life in a positive and meaningful way.  

Ask yourself the following questions: 

  • Do I have a life experience that could help others? 

  • Am I willing to share this experience with others? 

  • Will I have time to identify how I’d virtually create an experience with others? 

  • Can I change my mindset about how this hasn’t worked in the past? 

  • What do you believe you can contribute at this time as a leader? 

Watch The Recording

Community Curious Workshop 3.24.22 Recording

From Creator to Community builder…

Stop creating content for free on social media channels that demand more and more content. Your audience wants to connect with you and each other; let’s make that possible and bring you the income you deserve. You may have a community concept but struggle on where to launch, how to get started, or what do do. Let me help!

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Deb v

Community Strategist

Since 2020, as a community strategist, Deb’s guided more than 50 entrepreneurs in building, launching, and growing an online community. She’s worked with companies and organizations in non-profit , wellness,  healthcare, leadership, coaching, and business development. 

Deb’s work spans the globe with business leaders in the United States, Mexico, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Spain, Brazil, and Norway.

Deb works with an organization’s leadership in 3 areas: discovery, strategy, and implementation of an online community. She also provides best practices to keep it simple for both the user experience and the back-end operations. 

In 2021, Deb founded the Community Consultants Collective, a group of consultants who gathered to share resources and expertise and offered encouragement and support. A Global Advisory Board was established in 2022, and a formalized program begins in 2023. 

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