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Building an network of trustworthy members who get you.

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If your goal is to become location-independent, starting your business and gaining enough income to travel while working will take more than an idea.

Vanessa Codorniu, the founder of The Biz Bruja, has worked as a professional psychic, hypnotherapist, teacher, and shamanic practitioner for over twenty-seven years. She has cultivated transformative experiences that yield practical tools to help individuals find their true selves.

An Argentine American from New York City, Vanessa started building her business with small, in-person circles that stemmed from her lifestyle and the desire to continue growing and learning with others.

“I’ve learned to lead in a way that is not controlling; it’s not hierarchical. It started for free, but when I lost three jobs in four years, I needed to find additional revenue and decided that I wanted to go full-time with this business,” Vanessa said.

In 2012, Vanessa started researching online business and marketing. After years of leading small workshops and sharing her journey with others, she wanted to reach more people online. She describes herself as a “human generator.”

There were very few digital tools or systems for the kind of work Vanessa wanted to do back then. However, she demonstrated her resourcefulness using Skype and emails to connect with her new audience and share upcoming courses, programs, and workshops.

In 2014, Vanessa dedicated time to learning about passive income and built a self-study course to see if she could engage learners without being active. She discovered that the learner would often quit three weeks into the course. However, when she showed up on a live call, more learners would stay and complete the course. Therefore, she knows her content is valuable, but she is still trying to find an offer that balances her time and resources while ensuring members feel seen, heard, and valued.

Since she began podcasting, writing, blogging, and leading in-person circles virtually after the pandemic, she has successfully grown her audience and had her best revenue year in 2020.

Vanessa credits her success during the pandemic to trying new things and having a loyal following that existed before the pandemic. Instead of resting, like some of her peers, she rose to the occasion and built her online presence.

“People tell me things they haven’t told their therapist, so they need to be able to trust me, and that doesn’t just happen; it takes time. I gave my time every week, offering gathering circles for men and women, many of whom were unemployed creatives who didn’t have a job to go to, so they showed up,” she said.

This excerpt is from Creator to Community Builder: Find Calm While Building Your Online Community.

If you are thinking about starting something new in the fall, join me for a LIVE conversation TOMORROW at noon EST as we discuss “Growing an Audience.”

RSVP for this LIVE discussion about Growing Your Audience

Are you stuck on your community strategy?

Here are a few prompting questions to consider:

  • What communities have you been a part of, and how have they helped you transform?
  • Can you recall a time in your life when you needed to lean on a supportive community?
  • What communities have you enjoyed being a member of, and how can you recreate that energy in your community?
  • What do you want your members to feel, think, have, be, or do?

See you tomorrow!

Want to chat? Reply to this email or book a discovery call here.


P.S. Creator to Community Builder received a new review; check it out here!

Deb Schell

Deb Schell

I’m the author of Creator to Community Builder: Find Calm While Building Your Online Community and host of The Community Strategy Podcast.

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Coming Soon: Mighty Networks Best Practices; sign up on the waitlist here.

Grow Your Audience: Live Discussion

Grow Your Audience - Open discussion for all members

Tuesday, July 30 at 12:00 PM EDT

Grow Your Audience – Open discussion for all members

On the last Tuesday of every month, you’ll have the opportunity to join a lively discussion about a section of Deb’s new book, Creator to Community Builder: Find Calm While Building Your Online Community.  Here’s what a few members have said about the book:  “Deb Schell’s “Creator to Community Builder” is a book that introduces you to the intric…


These are the last few days for $50 OFF Annual Membership to PolkaDot Powerhouse, a women’s networking company. We aim to connect the world’s most positive, action-forward, amazing women to build lifelong friendships and business relationships.

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