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5 Steps to Identify your Ideal members

Ideal Member Interviews 2025 updated

5 Steps to Find Your Ideal Member

How do I find the ideal members for my online community? 

Step 1: Find Your Ideal Members in your existing network 

Review your email and phone contacts. Look at Facebook friends, LinkedIn connections, or Instagram followers. Find 10 to 20 people who best fit your ideal member for your community concept. See where they hang out online. Meet them where they are. Learning more about them will be vital to building a relationship. Prove that you are someone they can trust. 

Step 2: Craft a conversation, ask questions through prompts 

Many leaders make the mistake of assuming they know the best way to solve a problem. As a result, they don’t conduct interviews because they seem too “formal” or are a “burden.” Rephrasing the interview into a conversation allows you and the ideal member to enjoy the process. 

Step 3: Make the conversation enjoyable. If in person, find a nice place to sit. If virtual, add a fun background and ask questions about their interests. 

Send a thank-you note. Find ways to keep in touch. Reach out when you are ready to invite them into your community! 

Step 4: Review what you’ve learned to confirm the community concept

Interviews and conversations can lead to a decision about the next step. Community building takes work and time, as does investing in the program, course, membership, or cohort. Still, reviewing your results can be helpful. It helps you clearly understand what a community looks like. You can also see how it can help your organization. 

Step 5: Build a Brand before you launch

Gather information from your interviews. This information should give context, problems, solutions. The wording of the ideal member can be used to refine sales and marketing efforts. 

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